Momformation: 7 Ways To Connect With Your Child

Baby Center's Momformation has my post live, 7 Ways To Connect with Your Child...

Everyone wants to have a close relationship with their children. But sometimes, connecting with them can be harder than you think. Being intentional about connecting can make a positive influence on everyone.

Here are a 7 ways to keep your bond strong as ever...

You can view it here on Baby Center's Momformation blog:

How do you connect with your child?! Join the conversation at BabyCenter's Facebook page!

Warmly, Carolina Mama

1 comment:

  1. Excellent article! I especially do like the unplugged time, we do try to do a lot of that. It is something that has to be done intentionally in our society today, and like a prior comment, it will open up some time for the other fun things to do together. We are reading Chronicles of Narnia almost every night, and absolutely love it!


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