The Great Great Wolf Lodge, Concord, North Carolina

Here we are getting an amazingly warm welcome from Great Wolf Lodge!

We had just gotten off of the road so notice our excitement at the wonder of it all there. It only got better from here. Concord - Charlotte North Carolina really do exceptionally well!

You'll hear more about this awesome trip. For now, we're settling back in at home after the most delightful time away right here in lovely North Carolina! Yes, we saw snow!


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*FTC Regulations: Great Wolf Lodge sponsored this event. The enthusiasm and opinion are all my own.


  1. I have seen the commercials and it looks fabulous! Maybe one day we'll get to take Andrew. Glad y'all had fun and saw snow.

  2. So I feel like I really didn't get to speak to any of the other bloggers there, but I do remember you! I actually stood right in front of your husband when we were checking in and encouraged him to jump line when he said he was checking to see if his room was ready! I hope you guys had fun! I'm still recovering from going up and down those stairs a million times trying to do MagicQuest - guess I got in my cardio for the weekend! Happy Monday!

  3. I can't wait to see your next write up on the lodge. We've been wanting to go but just don't know much about it.

  4. Yep, you were in our backyard, lol. I have noticed since they lowered the prices that allot of middle schoolers have been having winter birthday parties there. Before that, it was practically dead. We weren't sure if they were going to make it. We have an indoor water park not far from there already, and now they are competing against each other.

  5. Anxious to hear and see what fun was had!!!


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