Giveaway: 1 Year Supply of Weight Watchers Novelty Ice Cream

Hi Everyone! You know I get excited talking about Weight Watchers!Like here and here.

Tonight is a special night. I am on the way to Weight Watchers to have a Party with my Members! I am half way to my WW goal since I began this journey! Exciting I tell you. I have loved the friendship and resource of these meetings each week! It's like another sorority - you know, DDD and WW! Works for me!

Well, add ice cream to the mix and I'm over the moon!

You read it right! You have an awesome opportunity to Win a 1 Year Supply of Weight Watchers Novelty Ice Cream shipped to your door monthly!! It's all one really needs! I mean you, an island and WW Novelty Ice Creams!

Weight Watchers Ice Cream!

If you need convincing, look what WW Novelty Ice Cream sent to my doorstep yesterday!

Check out some of my choices:

Weight Watchers Candy Bar
Weight Watchers Cookies and Cream

Needless to say, the entire family is in ice cream bliss! Really these are so satisfying and so guilt free. According to the WW Point System, these ice creams are any where from 1, 2 or 3 points each. You have your choice.

Enter to Win!:

1) Comment if you are a WW! Or a WW Want to be; And your favorite Novelty Ice Cream by WW!
2) Twitter the link to this post - spread the word;
3) Post about this contest on your blog!

Each step is an extra entry for you in comments below. The contest is open until Thanksgiving Eve at 10pm EST!

Good Luck! And Thank You Weight Watchers Novelty Ice Cream for sponsoring this awesome Giveaway and supporting my readers in their weight loss efforts!


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  1. I'm a WW Wanna Be. I do love the Candy Bar!

  2. I am a LIFETIME WW member. I love all the ice cream choices, but their ice cream sandwiches are my favorite.

  3. I love all things WW Novalty!! Their ice cream sandwiches are is the ice cream...and the candy bar. I can't pick just one!!! But you can pick me!!! :)

  4. I am a WW wanna be! I think I would like the Cookies and Cream.

  5. I love ice cream, so I just blogged too!

  6. I would love some of those WW Candy Bars.

  7. I love weight watchers!!! My girls and I both love the Coffee Weight Watcher ice cream bars.

    I am soooo proud of you girlfriend. You are doing great and well on your way to that finish line. YOU GO GIRL!!!

    We would love to win!!!

  8. I just love the WW Cookies and Cream ice cream! All their ice cream is wonderful though!

  9. CONGRATS to you!!!!! I did WW about 6 or 7 years ago and lost over 70 pounds. Kept it off until I got pregnant with my son...and now here I am, three years and a another baby later, heavier than I even was when I began WW back then. Ugh. So I know how hard you've worked...and how AWESOME you're feeling! Enjoy it!!!!

    When I was on WW I had a WW Ice Cream every single night. It was my one treat each day, and helped keep me focused. They have so many more flavors out now, and my fave is the chocolate sundae cones.

  10. i like all the different ww ice cream but if I had to pick one, it would be the candy bar. I really want to go to weight watchers but with finances the way they are it's hard too.

  11. Entering for my mom, a WW wanna be who needs to try their ice cream and get away from the "vice" cream!

  12. OOOOH this is exciting! I'm a WW and I'm 5 pounds away from my lifetime weight (again ... but forever this time ;))

  13. Congrats on getting halfway to goal! My sister (who has lost almost 150 lbs on WW) got me into it - I've lost weight prior to getting pregnant, and now working on losing baby weight from #2 - and did it all online.

    But really, you want me to pick one favorite? Can I please pick 2? I love the cookies and cream bars (we call them crack sticks) but I also really love the English Toffee crunch bar.

  14. Tweeted!

  15. Well, I guess I would be a WW want to be:) Keep saying I need to do it but never get around to it. My pick would be the Candy Bar. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks!!

  16. i have done weight watchers in the past and still try to go by the plan I love their oreo ice cream bar!!!!

  17. I want to do WW. I need to be able to learn to maintain my weight.

  18. tweeted

  19. Im a WW Wanna Be and Need to be. I think Id like the cookies n cream...see why I need to be.

  20. I tweeted:

  21. Every one of them is amazing but my all time fav would ahve to be the Coffee ice cream bars only one point and they are huge!

    I am a WW, about 1/2 way to goal!

  22. I've never had WW ice cream so can't say which one would be my favorite. I've never been on WW but should check into it.

  23. I lost 45lbs on WW a few years ago, and I love the ice cream sandwiches, they're delicious and remind me of when I was a kid....Yummy!


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.