Love Twin 6 Bike Gear

Doesn't this make you want to bike too?!

How cute was that!
After the lovely, Mother's Day purchase - surprise - my pink mountain bike. We've been hitting the trails and they take new meaning. Now I have a new list of Biking Favorite Things:

Sums it up! It's been a fun ride so far. We're averaging a ride every other day. Bliss!


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  1. The shirts are cute, but I wouldn't want anything tight and fat roll exposing on my body, lol. School on the holiday, brings back memories, not all good, haha. I hated going somewhere and then having to write a report when we got back home. Took the fun out of it. Didn't even have to do that in public school. ;)

  2. Good for you, friend! A pink mountain bike - sounds absolutely perfect! If I were inclined to bike... I'd want a pink one, too.


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