Pray It Friday - Our Country

Welcome all to "Pray It Friday!" Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for the requests that have been made known. It has been a blessing to hear from each one as we place our home in the power of prayer.

On our little virtual prayer chain, I like to think of the verse "where two or more gathered together in my name. There am I in the midst." Amen!

1) Please join me in praying for our country - this land - the USA!
2) Please pray for President Obama that he will show signs of this Christianity he claims.
3) While we pray for our country, all please pray for all the other leaders.
4) Please pray for the Pastors and Ministers throughout this country that they would seek God's Word as a guideline not the media and popular party affiliations.

Please leave me any prayer requests you have. Feel free to use Mr. Linky and/or just an email. God Bless you each and every one as we seek Him.


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  1. awesome pray it Friday, i have missed your blog!!!

  2. If my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, then will I hear their voice and heal their land..... Great idea of Pray it Friday. As believers, we need to be on our knees for our country and for our brothers and sisters in the Lord.

  3. love this idea! Our good ole' USA needs all the prayers it can get! I hear ya, sister!
    PS: found you on Blog Top Sites


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