The Lady with Octuplets and Her Praying Friends

"Children are an inheritance from the Lord." Psalm 127:3

Can the media and everyone else in America leave this woman alone! Does someones love of children, her divorce and anything else personal have to be so public. When as Americans do we have to get into everyone elses business with our thoughts demands and beliefs, or not.

Have you prayed for Nadya Suleman and her sweet children today? Let's be the ones who are lifting her up in prayer rather than piercing with our opinions for her life.

Will you join me? Please comment below and mainly please pray. Shall we be so bold as to pray for her marriage and a Christ-centered home to raise these children in!?


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  1. Way to go girl! You are EXACTLY Right!

    I usually try to refrain from these topics- because I am so put out by the ones usually causing the fuss+

    Good job and yes, prayer over her and them is exactly what we need to do.

    I wonder who has already sent in their letter to God and told Him of this incident? LOL!

  2. You are very right! I will be saying a prayer for her. She certainly has many of rough night ahead (I could hardly live through one newborn at a time).

  3. Praying!!! You are correct who are we to judge!!!

  4. You're so right. Thanks for bringing this to mind for me today - I have them all in my prayers now!

  5. I'll be the first to admit that I have made comments that haven't been uplifting, but your post has made me realize I was wrong & I need to be lifting them all up in prayer.

    Thank you for the reminder.

  6. Wonderful perspective. All of the negative talk about her has bothered me - but i honestly haven't prayed for them. Thank you for this reminder.


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