A Few Of Our Favorite Things - Christmas Tour

Good Morning All, Welcome to the A Few of Our Favorite Things - Christmas Tour. Thanks BooMama for sharing this idea. We're happy to play along. Just click the photo to join us. If you didn't see my tree click here and scroll down. :) Enjoy!

This Christmas I am enjoying little 'traditions' that have made themselves traditions in our family. You know we all have traditions we bring from our growing up years, we all add favorites from our spouses families, then pick a few we like. Well, this mirror was a family tradition growing up. An ever steady presence in our home. It reminds me of the times my parents would dress up to go to various important things that my attorney-father was involved in, or my mother's many community volunteer projects, or our church happenings. The mirror stood high because my Daddy was 6'5". I love dressing it up this year for Christmas and thinking of all those Christmases in our living room growing up with the mirror right there as we all celebrated Christmas together.

Another family tradition that has just become a part of our little family through the years, is our friends The Nutcrackers. My mother collected Nutcrackers and this started when my mothers Nutcrackers were passed down to me. :) My small collection grew overnight that year. Now, we add each year and love our little friends all over the house.

Here is my Chef Friend Nutcracker. The Chef joined our family last year and I have loved having him keep me company in the kitchen this year. :)

Our new Christmas Card display from Hallmark. Simple and cute and holds just the Christmas cards. This was taken a week or so ago. The cards are starting to flow - here is the idea.

A tradition the Tigers started before they could speak, the Christmas Dogs! They come out each year and live with us oh, a few months then they go protect the Christmas decor. They go with us everywhere. And they sing/bark Christmas Carols too. :) Here the Tigers and the Christmas Dogs take in our town Christmas parade. Here they are after the first hour and forty-five minutes of the parade. They all hung in there. The Christmas Dogs were a great joy with them at the parade.

Merry Christmas early and thanks for visiting! Christmas Giveaway will be Wednesday. So enter the "Win It Wednesday!" Good luck. God Bless.


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  1. It's beautiful, love the wreath on the mirror!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. You have some precious decorations. I love the chef nutcracker!! And the mirror with your wreath on it is so pretty, too. Thank you for the tour!

  3. Everything looks lovely - merry, merry Christmas!

  4. I love your card display... so glad you shared that photo, as we have similar shutters in our home. I may stop by Hallmark.

  5. Great collection of nutcrackers! And your wreath in the mirror is such a cozy touch. :)

  6. Great decorations! My son has a collection of Nutcrackers too.

  7. Now I am all over the sentiment involved in that mirror. What a beautiful memory.

  8. Hey friend - it all looks beautiful. I especially enjoyed seeing your Nutcrackers and the mirror your dad used. I know it is special to you! Love to you... Jen

    PS: I did this too on my blog.

  9. All your decorations are just beautiful! Santa looks so fat and happy sitting in the wicker chair! :-)
    Merry Christmas!!!

  10. WOW - great pictures!!! I love the wreath on the mirror. I have a wreath I was not sure what to do with ... now I know!

    Thanks for coming to visit me, so I could find YOU!!

    Merry Christmas!

  11. I love the Chef nutcracker. Too cute!

  12. Thanks for the tour...Merry Christmas!

  13. Thank you for sharing your home with us! So lovely! I love your nutcrackers! Thank you too, for your kind comments. Merry Christmas Carolina Mama!

  14. I love your mirror! I have one like it that was my mother's. I think I'll add a wreath to it next year like you did! And thank you kindly for your comment at my blog.

    Peace and joy,

  15. How beautiful! I really like your Nutcracker collection. Going to the Nutcracker Ballet with my daughter was a tradition for many years.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, too. I've so enjoyed hopping around this party -- although it will probably take me the rest of the month to visit everyone!

  16. How fun - you have such great decor! Glad you did this, it has been such a blast seeing everyone's homes.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. So cute - love all the nutcrackers and the wreath looks great on the mirror!


  19. Your blog is so pretty. I like your design. I enjoyed your holiday post, too! Thanks so much for joining my blog party and inviting us into your home. Merry Christmas! -Julia :-)


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.