Making A Homemade Haven

Antebellum Stanton Hall, Natchez

Maybe it's the Holidays, maybe it's the fun, maybe it's the many blogs, but I'm thinking a lot about craftiness lately. :) More than the craftiness, I am thinking about the results from the crafting.

When I show my crafty girl, I am happy and pleased and surprised all in one feeling. My home is happy and pleased and surprised, too.

Since I love a 'crafty,'Home and Haven focus. They seem to fall hand-in-hand. I decided to add a little more here at Carolina Mama. So on Thursday's, through the New Year, I will be featuring a guest blogger who will introduce all manner of "Crafty Goodness" to us. Home, hearth, Holiday, - Welcome!

To get the party started, this week, I thought we could look at Mary DeMuth's essay "10 Ways To Make Your Home A Haven." It's an awesome list. And it keeps me centered on the real haven and hearth matters and they are not tangible.

Then we can proceed with the more tangible things that cheer us up, we enjoy, and that spruce up our homes.

Be back next Thursday, the first featured blogger is a real pro at this so basically, we'll be learning a lot. :)

Tell me, are you crafty? If you're like me and yes, you are crafty can be and enjoy it, just need more time for it, how do you find the time? What are your favorite craft topics? Looking forward to this.

P.S. By the way, just so you know, it's "41 days" until Christmas!


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  1. I'll look forward to this series... because even though I was left without the crafty gene, I do enjoy coveting all you who are and the results of those abilities! :) Have a great day!!!

  2. I have a whole list of things that I want to do and I get that crafty spurge of energy--however my time management skills don't really show for it!

  3. I love crafty ideas! You are scaring me a bit with the 41 days to Christmas~ Do you think I should start on my list????

  4. I'm really not crafty I dont' think, but I'm good with using other people's ideas! :)

  5. Hi, found you since you found me on Twitter :)

    I love crafty things - my main thing now is digital scrapbooking.

    I love looking on the internet at all things crafty.

  6. Being crafty keeps me sane sometimes. I enjoy it, especially when the projects are easy and give me instant gratification. I am not very patient, can you tell? :)

  7. I'm looking forward to this! I'm on my way to read the 10 things right now. :-)


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