Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


It's the little things right. My husband, a native of Boulder, Colorado, makes sure recycling is something we do. I am all for recycling and saving the planet. However, I have to tell you it is quite a commitment. Time, consistency. The main thing to me is having the stuff stacked up. I am a neat and tidy type so even a plastic water bottle sitting on the counter on its way out to the recycling bin in the garage can bother me. My inclination is to just put it in the trash and it's gone. I have to make myself think what step is most useful. Recycle or landfill.... We all know.

We all made a trip to our local recycling because not only do we recycle but my husband has taken the step to recycle at his work. There's commitment. I was in because I got lured with my seasonal favorite, a nice Pumpkin Spice Latte - Starbucks, of course. :) The boys were thrilled to get to hit the recycling at a local Park. Interesting, everyone playing tennis, and then the rather large group of us on a Sunday afternoon recycling. Here are the little guys wanting to help Daddy and finally, to see just what happens once it goes in the recycling bin!  :) Let me know, how do you reduce, reuse, recycle. May we live lightly.


  1. hey! this is sooo cute. get them young right? haha
    oh i actually had something to ask, do you have seperate bins inside that you then put in the seperate bins outside, and then take to the recycling place....cos ive been trying to think how i could do this..with out having to have a row of 3/4 bins in the kitchen..haha im so ignorant right now!

  2. Actually, a great question. I have friends that do it the way ou mentioned. However, I am like you not wanting all of these bins inside. So we have a small recycle section by our trash can and we/Mountain Man takes it out and divides it up on recycle day or in a bin in the garage. Hope this helps. Everything does. ;)

  3. cool thanks! kind of obvious know that i read it HAHA i dont know why i couldnt figure it out myself...but thanks! ;)


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